The Green Outcomes Fund (GOF) is a first of its kind structure which supports and incentivises local South African fund managers to increase investment in green Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs). The Green Outcomes Fund aims to achieve clearly defined green outcomes, encourage greater capital allocation to green businesses by local fund managers, and catalyse higher quality, consistent reporting of green impacts.
The aim of the GOF is to incentivise local fund managers to use new approaches and financing models to target high potential and fast-growing SMMEs operating in South Africa’s green economy. The funding will enable lending and investment to SMMEs which would not be feasible without the GOF’s support.
The GOF blends concessionary funding with private capital, thus enabling participating Catalytic Finance Partners (CFPs) to develop and adapt their SMME investment criteria and support services in ways that were not previously possible – realising greater impact in terms of the types of SMMEs funded and green outcomes created.
The entities representing both the private and public sector have committed a total of R92.6million in grant funding, catalysing R395.5 million in investment capital from local investment funds, totalling an amount of R488.1 million mobilized through GOF for investment into South African green SMMEs.