GOF has a suite of 13 green metrics that are monitored and measured by the green SMME’s that the CFPs invest towards. The list of 13 green metrics are:
- Green Sector Direct Jobs
- Green Sector Indirect Jobs
- Soil Organic Carbon
- Synthetic chemical fertilizer reduction
- Persons reached by reliable clean energy grid/source that were without prior access to the
- transitional energy grid
- Energy generation – total installed capacity
- Energy efficiency – generic energy saved based on deemed savings value per unit installed
- Waste to landfill avoided
- Avoided waste incinerated
- Waste recycled/reused
- Chemical recovery
- Wastewater treated
- Water intensity
During the implementation phase, GOF is funded by The Jobs Fund and FRF to pay for the creation of direct, permanent jobs created within the green SMMEs by the CFPs. In future phases, GOF will seek to source additional funding to pay for other green outcomes generated among green SMMEs through investment by the CFPs.