Green Metrics

Green SMME Investment

The Green Outcomes Fund, in partnership with The Jobs Fund, will incentivise the Catalytic Finance Partners (CFPs) that it has partnered with to invest in green businesses, as well as track verifiable green metrics. Under GOF, Green SMMEs and Green Metrics have been outlined as follows:


Green SMMEs

  • Green SMMEs are defined as businesses that limit or prevent harm to the natural environment relative to conventional alternatives. The term ‘green SMME’ refers to the total governance of the business, which includes knowhow, procedures, goods and services, equipment as well as organisational and managerial procedures. In addition, green SMMEs:
    • Are less polluting and/or use all natural resources in a more sustainable manner and/or
    • Recycle more of their wastes and products and/or
    • Handle residual wastes in a more acceptable manner

GOF Suite of Green Metrics

GOF has a suite of 13 green metrics that are monitored and measured by the green SMME’s that receive investment:

  1. Green Sector Direct Jobs
  2. Green Sector Indirect Jobs
  3. Soil Organic Carbon
  4. Synthetic chemical fertilizer reduction
  5. Persons reached by reliable clean energy grid/source that were without prior access to the transitional energy grid
  6. Energy generation – total installed capacity
  7. Energy efficiency – generic energy saved based on deemed savings value per unit installed
  8. Waste to landfill avoided
  9. Avoided waste incinerated
  10. Waste recycled/reused
  11. Chemical recovery
  12. Wastewater treated
  13. Water intensity

For more details on the GOF Suite of Green Metrics and examples of green goods, products and technologies, download the document below:

GOF Sectors for Investment

GOF has a rigorous system and approach for green outcome measurements as part of the monitoring and evaluation requirements for the project. Green outcomes are measured on a regular basis by GreenCape’s team of technical experts representing sectors of the green economy.

GOF recognises the following sectors for investment within the green economy:

  • Green buildings and the built environment
  • Sustainable transport and infrastructure
  • Clean energy and energy efficiency
  • Resource conservation and management
  • Sustainable waste management practices
  • Sustainable agriculture, food production and forestry
  • Water management
  • Sustainable consumption and production
  • Environmental sustainability